Monday, August 23, 2004

No signal!

Dinner's ready!


sojourn: "the journey of following Jesus together..."


Philosophy of a ____

Bob the blog

Phanie 100% U100D ;-p

the a l i z a r i n memoirs

Blog de la WDC

Blog de la WDC: "--- World Domination Company Ltd. --- US, NOT YOU"

Loading and Unloading

Loading and Unloading: "Your Tour Has Begun;First Stop -- THE MOTORSPORTS AGENDA"

I'm marrying a Camper

I'm marrying a Camper: "I'm a student at Illionis State University but will be leaving the fine establishment this December. I am getting married soon (how soon has yet to be determined) and enjoy working shows with the love of my life. I'm a Christian who will be the last to say that I'm perfect. God's still working on and in me."

Scrimmage Scores

Scrimmage Scores: "These is the scrimmage history of John Marshall High School's Academic Decathlon Team in the year 2004 to 2005."

a pretty good H to be

Constitutional Conservative

Constitutional Conservative: "Born in the Iron-Bound section of Newark, NJ, I currently live in the North East with my wife and our (very dynamic) 4-year-old. I'm a proud Constitutional Conservative and NRA Life member."


Profecias Apocalípticas


The Iraq War Was Wrong Blog

The Iraq War Was Wrong Blog: "A blog about the most important issue of all time, ever: The Iraq war being wrong "


Head Brew

Head Brew: "thoughts, emotions, and daily doings..."

Poesia Commum

Poesia Commum: "Poesia essencialmente commum!"

Will I ever find a signal today?

I'm beginning to despair.

mentalidad empresarial

Blog Den Die Welt Nicht Braucht

Blog Den Die Welt Nicht Braucht
: "Mein Privatblog. Ein Blog, den die Welt nicht braucht. Nur f�r mich. Meins, meins, meins. Alles MEINS."


Breelog: "Dit is het web-dagboekje van Ingrid, Jelle en Abu. Het is bedoeld om iedereen die dat wil, de kans te geven op de hoogte te blijven van onze belevenissen. En wel op het moment dat het henzelf het beste uitkomt! Tevens verlicht het bij ons de druk dat we iemand te lang niet gebeld hebben of zo. Het is een experiment. Wij hopen dat we er allemaal waanzinnig veel plezier aan beleven. SCHRIJF DUS VOORAL EEN COMMEN-TAARTJE!!! Ciao en een kus."

Suicide Note...... *^* .Ce|_A_YuM|. *^* . Copyright © 2002-2004. All rights reserved.


ErTaN: "een moslim in Nederland"

A Siege of Herons

A Siege of Herons: "Attempting a realistic, if slightly caffeinated, discussion of what the United States has been, is, and can be, coming straight from the mouth of the Mohawk Valley in beautiful and historic Central New York.

I am an unapologetic Democrat. I dislike Conservatives, Trickle Down economics, and religion.

Caveat lector!"

paixão da educação

paixão da educação: "um blogue de opinião sobre a paixão de aprender e de ensinar, sobre o ensino e as aprendizagens, sobre a escola"

The Nattering Nabob

The Nattering Nabob: "Retaking America - one blog at a time"

El Comepiedras Volador

El Comepiedras Volador: "Bueno, pues esto pretende ser un, a ver como dir�a yo... un de esos que usa la gente para... si, como eso que se lleva ahora tanto... bueno, para que nos entendamos, una paginita pa� lucirme yo un ratito, ea. Y para que mis amigos lo hagan conmigo, of course."

12 Ly Luong The Vinh khoa 1997 - 2000

:: My Truths / My Lies / My Thoughts ::

late at night while everyone is sleeping


Be different, be weird, be true, be you!!!

Be different, be weird, be true, be you!!!: "Poetry is not really my thing and it never was. But it seems that everyone around me thinks I am. To me poems have ro rhym, but that is not enteirly true. Poems don't have to rhym they can be anyhting they can be just your explination of love or life or you feelings towards someone, and sometimes that does not rhym cuz if it did you would be using word that are not relavant to what you are saying you are just looking for rhyming words."

Turtle Jump

Figuring it Out....

Beat A Speeding Ticket

Beat A Speeding Ticket

Pretty specialist, though not what I consider worthwile.

In Loko

The Life, Death and Adventures of Chris Allen

The Life, Death and Adventures of Chris Allen: "My days are over, welcome to my blog. Keep checking back for future updates."

Dani's Rambles

Dani's Rambles: "Well... this is officially my first blog ever."


SushiB in New York City

SushiB in New York City: "random thoughts"

linn: my little world

[ medialog ]

[ medialog ]

This one looks pretty decent, too bad I don't understand dutch.

Mi Vida Loca

Mi Vida Loca: "My thoughts, wishes, dreams, complaints, grievences, rants, fits and other various outbursts (and NO, I am not Latina)"

Cyberia Remix


WHAT IS THE WAR?: "Interrogating the War on Terrorism"


Broken Stained Glass

Broken Stained Glass: "All of us are both beauitful and broken. We're called to live lives where the Creator can work through us, yet at the same time where we try to make sense of our brokeness. These are the musings of a man who attempts to live missionally while being both broken and beautiful."

school of cool

school of cool: "If I could drive anywhere in the world I would go to florida. once there I would i would hang out the beach. On the way I would go to Arizona. I would go to Arizona because most of my cousins live there."


only10: "This afternoon I got back from my fourth Lowlands festival in a row. Most bands I've seen this edition weren't new to me. Fortunately there was one really big exception, The Dillinger Escape Plan."


polyxena: "against the religionists, sacred or secular"

Friday, August 20, 2004

Signal! Vineyards Of My Mind

Vineyards Of My Mind: "Happenings in the viticulture and enology areas.."

Ecce Homo


Delirium Country


STUCK IN PRISON: "My life's boring.... GO TO SLEEP!"

Pub 413

Pub 413: "eating kitten raping chicken radiomanustrokes"


folkyou: "If there is a concert I regret not paying much atantion, it was Grandaddy's, when they opened for Sigur Rós and Belle & Sebastian at the 2001 Free Jazz Festival, in Sao Paulo, Brazil."


Jenna: "i love everybody and everything!! whoooaa!"

Signal! I Need A Name For This Blog

Pongamos que hablo de Madrid...

Pongamos que hablo de Madrid...: "Allá donde se cruzan los caminos, donde el mar no se puede concebir, donde regresa siempre el fugitivo, pongamos que hablo de Madrid..."

Eyes aflame with Light!

Eyes aflame with Light!: "I ushered my 23rd year on this earth with so much love & joy. I feel truly blessed for everything God has graciously provided me abundantly. Its been a long journey with some hard knocks & disappointments as well as some discoveries,blessings & miracles. I have never really live life until i've found Him because His light is sufficient.He adds purpose into my existence & i rejoice with Him for His glorious work.I can feel Him working in my life ;moulding & shaping me to be a woman after His heart..transfoming every trash into gold & every disappointment into His-appointment."

skateboard 101

skateboard 101: "I need a new board mine is a relik board pro but not the best out there i want a darkstar board but i still have to save 80 $ the place i want to get the board from is selling boards for only 80$ plus the tax it will probaly come to 90 something dollars witch is not that bad every body i know wants a blind board but i think that blind are not the best idea."

Shallow Center

Shallow Center: "On baseball, pop culture, and other important matters."

renna's place


vietnow2: "'A perda da independência acarreta, para uma nação, a impossibilidadee de intervir no curso do tempo e de determinar-lhe, à vontade, os acontecimentos. Enquanto não sair dessa situação, não será ela que disporá de seu tempo nem de si mesma, mas sim a potência estrangeira, senhora de seus destinos...' (Fichte, Discursos à nação alemã, 1808)."

Dendy's Blog

Dendy's Blog: "Okay...mungkin ini cuma cobaan aja bagi gw. Tekanan-tekanan hidup ini memang ga selamanya dapat dihadapi secara face to face. Kadang kita memang harus self-introspection dulu. Paradigma mesti dijungkir balikkan tuk menyesuaikan dengan keadaan. Susah, ya memang susah. But, the show must go on..."

The Ultimate Roundness of the World

The Ultimate Roundness of the World

Oh no you fucking didn't! When I enter a blog, I do NOT want to be force-fed downloads. Cut it out Vivek and learn some proper etiquette.

neel street

No signal for you

Damn! ^[[Once A freN]]^ [[ALwaYs a freN]] ^ had her Blogger bar disabled! No signal today! No signal!

^[[Once A freN]]^ [[ALwaYs a freN]] ^

^[[Once A freN]]^ [[ALwaYs a freN]] ^ : "i've juz made a brand new blog..made the pic adding new stuff at the forever friends pic..I think i will b making changes tmr..we'll see.."

Esther's weblog

Esther's weblog: "oftewel.. mijn streven naar harmonie en geluk..."

Quinta do Joao

Quinta do Joao: "Um blog onde é permitido comentar tudo e mais alguma coisa...ajuizadamente!"

Thursday, August 19, 2004

No signal for you

Augh, As Long As... had her Blogger bar disabled. No signal today.

As Long As Thr Is Milk, I Know I'll Be Alive. I WILL SURVIVE!!

As Long As Thr Is Milk, I Know I'll Be Alive. I WILL SURVIVE!!: "Guys.. I mayb starting over new again with Calvin. Don't stop me. Support mi plz k? Lyk wen i was thr for u all wen u need'd mi.. Giving time now for him to decide.. Meanwhile.. I have to listen to him.. Shhh.. Nt everything can type on blog u know? *winks*"

on a trifle

on a trifle: "thoughts posted with considerable infrequency"

______skater doode;

______skater doode; : "haha today was kaee. like we stayed back afta school jaz yingxin becks jaz. afta chi remedial.. yeapps. we helped mrsbowness do the pushcart stuff fer the open "

und zu weiter

Eric Pulier

Eric Pulier: "Musings on the way it is. Because it's like that."

|||==|||==||| MiChElLe sElLs sEasHeLlS By E SeAshOrE |||==|||==|||


MERCOSURCO: "ENTRE RÍOS / NUEVA LEY . Se aprobó el proyecto del senador Orlandi Podrá sembrarse en las banquinas"


New Blogger functions, new blogs. An attempt to find that elusive signal amongst the noise using the "next blog" button.